Physical Education at Killinghall

Physical Education
P.E is an important part of the development of the whole child. It educates the child in many ways through the use of knowledge and understanding of the body, its movement and thus the importance of being active and healthy. It also contributes to the development of interpersonal skills and mental processes as well as the skills needed to work and operate effectively within a team, and as an extension of that, society.
Physical development
- To develop physical competence and confidence by acquiring and developing a range of fine and gross motor skills.
- To be aware of the different shapes and movements that can be made with the body.
- To develop knowledge, skills and understanding and the ability to remember, repeat and refine actions with increasing control and accuracy.
- To promote an active and healthy lifestyle by understanding the effects of physical exercise on the body and the importance of developing strength, endurance and flexibility.
Social and emotional development
- To develop a love of being active.
- To develop the ability to work independently and communicate with and respondappropriately towards others using verbal and non-verbal communication.
- To develop confidence in their own skills and abilities.
- To promote an understanding of safe practice and develop a sense of responsibility towards the safety of themselves and others.
- To realise that being active can be fun and has the ability to energise and uplift.
- To create and plan games and teach them to one another.
- To develop a sense of fair play.
Cognitive development
- To develop decision making and problem-solving skills.
- To develop reasoning skills and the ability to make judgements.
- To develop an increasing ability to select, link and apply skills, tactics and compositional ideas.
- To improve observational skills, the ability to decide and make simple judgements on their own and others work, and to use this knowledge and understanding to improve their own performance.
- To understand that using the correct technique will improve accuracy and individual performance
- To be able to evaluate performance and act upon constructive criticism.
Spiritual, moral and cultural development
- To develop a positive attitude to themselves and others.
- To realise the importance of doing your best and also having fun.
- To be able to encourage and praise others for their achievements.
- To treat yourself and others with respect.
- To raise self-esteem through opportunities to celebrate sporting success.
We aim to provide a minimum of 2 hours of curriculum P.E for all children each week. This may be more with access to after-school clubs, activities within the classroom, extended school sports activities, breakfast club activities and Active Champions at lunchtimes and playtime.
All children will have access to play equipment and games at playtimes. These activities are led by Active Champions and / or lunchtime supervisors.
Our well-balanced curriculum covers the statutory requirements for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the P.E national curriculum.
Physical Education Curriculum
We aim to provide a minimum of 2 hours of curriculum P.E for all children each week. This may be more with access to after-school clubs, activities within the classroom, extended school sports activities, breakfast club activities and active champions at lunchtimes and playtime.
All children will have access to play equipment and games at playtimes. These activities are led by active champions and / or lunchtime supervisors.
Our well-balanced curriculum covers the statutory requirements for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the P.E national curriculum.

Swimming lessons are compulsory for all children. At present, children learn to swim in Year 4. The national compulsory session is 30 mins. At Killinghall, we believe that swimming is an essential skill, so the children have one hour sessions . We take guidance from the pool we use where specialist swimming teachers provide swimming lessons, assisted and monitored by class teachers.