Year 1
In Year 1 the children celebrated World Book day, they dressed up as their favourite book character, they visited the book bus and received free books. In addition to this they had two special visitors one was a member of staff from year 3 who shared a story session and a year 6 child author who shared the English work they have been publishing.
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Year 1 Christmas Performances
Here are our children are confidently sharing their thoughts about how Christmas is best celebrated and learnt three songs to perform to an audience of year 1 parents.

In Science this year 1AJ have learnt about the different body parts, here is photo of them labelling a life size outline of a child in our class.
In Maths the children used the less than, greater than and equals to signs to create, explore and compare numbers using a range of resources
In English the children learnt the poem of the Little Old Lady Who Lived in a Shoe, to help them to memorise the lines they create visual picture maps and then re-created and presented their new versions in small groups to the rest of the class.
In topic the children explored the work of natural sculpturer Andy Goldsworthy and collected objects from the Eco- Garden to create face sculptures.
In Art in 1AJ the children recreated the work of famous artist Kandinsky. We explored his piece called ‘Circles’.
During the first week of Autumn 2 the children in 1AJ explored our topic of Kenya throughout STEMO (Science, Technology, English, Maths and Oracy) work. The children researched about water wells using the ipads and were set the challenge of transporting water from the tap to the paddling. They collected items such as cups, bottles and buckets to carry the water. But first the children estimated how many buckets it would take to fill the paddling pool, after estimating the children checked by measuring and counting.
The children explored the importance of water in our lives and how it should be used. The children read a picture book about a child in Kenya and learnt about the use of water there in Kenya to help grow the crops and learnt about how Lila used her water well to complete everyday tasks.
The children were then set the challenge of emptying a water container without touching it using a range of materials of their choice, they worked together to test different materials and realised buckets and ropes worked the best.

The children then used the Lego to create prototype water wells.
We then designed our water wells.

We then used a range of resources to make our water wells in house teams.

Here are our finished models.
We tested the water wells to check the work and evaluated by stating how we would make changes next time to improve them.
1J enjoyed their Life Caravan session with Lucy, as they explored what it meant to live a healthy lifestyle.
In Science, we investigated the question, "If you are the tallest person, will you run the fastest?" 1J tested this claim and also looked at ordinal numbers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc... and applied this to Maths, arranging objects in 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
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We love learning and hearing poetry! We learnt this poem through different activities and performed to each other and to the class.

Wasily Kandinsky was our focus artist in October. We used his style and ideas to create our own concentric circles, making a class montage together for us to enjoy throughout the year.

As part of Mental Health Week, 1J made hot air balloon pictures and wrote down who helped them grow up well in life. On the other side of the balloon, they drew what they want to be when they grow up. On Friday they came into school dressed up for their future job - an exciting generation is coming your way!
The children in year 1 used a range of practical apparatus to add and subtract using the part and whole model. They used their reasoning skills to sort sums into the correct true and false columns and then used cubes to find the difference too.
The children in Year 1 used a range of apparatus such as the base ten equipment and numicon to create and partition 2 digit numbers.
The children in Year 1 visited the Bradford Industrial Museum for a toy workshop. They travelled on the school minibuses and took part in an interactive workshop. They sorted toys into old and new, discussed the materials used and their own experiences of those toys too
During our Year 1 Spring 1 STEMO week the children explored different seasons and the effects of the wind. They made and tested a range of playground and fairground rides using Lego and other materials. After this, the children designed and made their own fairground rides and anemometers (a device used to measure wind speed and direction).