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Address: Killinghall Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD3 7JF
Phone: 01274 771166 / Fax: 01274 771167
Email: office@killinghall.bradford.sch.uk
Please address all enquiries to Judith Thompson
Our SEN Co-ordinator is Mrs Lynne Clegg and she can be contacted on 01274 771166

Well-being & Relationships Education

School Mental Health Award

Killinghall Primary School has demonstrated commendable progress in their mental health and well-being initiatives. They have wholeheartedly embraced all eight competencies of the School Mental Health Award, effectively utilizing the framework to develop robust strategies, structures, and practices. Notably, the school has introduced well-being champions in Key Stage 2, identifiable by their yellow sweatshirts, who provide invaluable support to pupils. Furthermore, there has been a notable cultural shift, with increased acceptance and active engagement in mental health and well-being across all stakeholders.

The school’s policies have been thoughtfully updated to align with current practices, including the implementation of the SCARF scheme of work. Additionally, the “My Happy Mind” program has significantly influenced the language used within the school, fostering a positive culture around mental health. Staff members also benefit from the program, supported by an employer assistance program and an in-house social worker.

Based on a rigorous assessment process, Killinghall Primary School has been awarded the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools, School Mental Health Award at the Silver level.


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